
Showing posts from June, 2014


17th Feb 2013 was the day I met her. I was walking to the a shop downstairs to catch some political gossip with my friends Kiarie and Wambua as the electioneering period was nearing and the political clouds were slowly gathering. Kiarie was a diehard supporter of TNA though he didn't know why. His counterpart Wambua was a Wiper party supporter....maybe because he was a Kamba but all i knew is that they had little knowledge of why they supported the parties. Kiarie could only express his political stand with some bad Swahili 'Serikari ni ya digitar na rasima kamwana apewe uogosi'. A beautiful girl moved from one end to another of the balcony on the first floor of the apartments. My eyes would not resist the good looks. I swung my eyes from left to right as i watched her steady movements. Oh! She didn't notice the guy in some black jeans, tight maroon sweater complete with leather sandals. I needed an additional tool to elevate my class and catch her attention. I


Push aside bread, water is the true "staff of life," particularly in the workplace where the water cooler is ground zero for  refuelling  our bodies as well as catching up on office gossip. Water, which carries oxygen to the body's cells, makes up more than half of body weight and humans can't live for more than a few days without it. While our bodies don't get water just from drinking water alone, as almost all fluids contain water as well as certain foods.Consuming pure, fresh, clean water is vital for good health. Is workplace’s drinking water safe? This is one question that has never crossed minds of most office users. Maybe because we trust the companies that sell us packaged water. Or maybe we trust our office assistants more. People in offices have moved from the trend of carrying water from their homes to work. They used to because they  didn't   trust in the tapped water at the office sinks. Water dispensers also seemed expensive and therefore a