Back in 2012, the then minister of Transport, Amos Kimunya issued an ultimatum that would see the famous 14-seater public service vehicles commonly known as matatus faced out. The move was not taken lightly by the Matatu Owners Association. First to fire the salvo was the Mt. Kenya Matatu Owners association which condemned the plan that would have seen 14-seater matatus replaced with vehicles of capacity of more than 15 passengers.Mr. Dickson Mbugua, Matatu Owners Association chairman also added that the plan would kill the sector that provides employment to over 1.5 million people.
Photo:Evolution in matatu
Ednam Ventures has the Matatu Insight. In the insight, we have deduced that the government won’t need a lot of efforts in facing out the 14-seater matatus as earlier on planned. Nature has its own way of keeping the balance and that’s why they will be faced out by market forces i. e. Market trends and consumer behaviours. The main reasons for the Government move was to de congest the urban centres that were filled with matatus everywhere interfering with mobility and backed with pollution.

Do you still remember the matatus back in the 90s? How did they exit the Kenyan urban centres? Unfortunately, that is the same track the 14-seater are going to follow. Earlier on, commuters preferred them to the voluminous 62-seater as they were smaller in volume and would take little time to be full and take off. This was the main reason why the 14-seater won the hearts of the commuters. Sadly, the victory won’t last long unless they venture in short distance transport services like from Githurai 45 to KU.62-seater buses are not safe either as they are known to take longer to be filled. Additionally, they face difficulty in manoeuvring through the Nairobi traffic jam. Therefore, the best alternative that commuters have opted is the 28-seater matatu (Manyanga). They are specious, flexible in the Nairobi matatu and take less time to be filled as compared to the 62-seater. They are also more comfortable as compared to the 14-seater because it is spacious.

Were you thinking of investing in the matatu industry? Now you know. However, always keep in mind that we live in a dynamic world where trends keep on changing.

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